Project: Yellow Jacket with Fur; Sandnes Mandarin Petit (0305 Barn 0-4) Design by Ingjerd Thorkildsen
Start: 2006
Finish: 3/29/2009
Yarn: Mandarin Petit, yellow #2004 3 balls
Unknown yellow/light green fur, 1 ball
Needles: size 2 and 3
Size: To fit tiny babies sized 1-3 months old
Project thoughts: Tedious and engaging. No modifications were made other than a change in the recommended novelty fur yarn. This pattern book was likely written in a different language (I presume French or Danish?) initially and translated for distribution in America. Hence, the pattern was less comprehensive than the ones I usually work from. All the same, it might be the cutest little thing I have ever knit.
I originally started this garment for my daughter Kennedy when i was pregnant with her in 2006. I lost interest, or saw something shiny, who knows. It fell by the wayside in the UFO bin. I knit a bit more when I was pregnant with my daughter Ava in 2008, and again, didn't finish it. Now, 10 months later, the little jacket won't fit her. So, the jacket was finished for my dear friend's daughter, expected to make her grand arrival in June. Miss Chloe will look smashing in this, don't you agree?